
Thanks for everything!

  Hello! When I entered the university I had English two in person, that was the only branch that was more difficult for me at school and I was very ashamed to speak English in public. When I entered the first class I panicked, the anxiety that the teacher would ask me a question made me leave to take English on the following year. After that came the social outbreak and the pandemic, I had to do English from the beginning only online, which made it much easier for me to learn more because it did not produce the same anxiety as before, because I was learning from home, a safe place. The use of the blog helped me to learn words according to topics and the subsequent correction to see my small flaws to polish myself in writing. I need to improve my speaking in English, I find it difficult to be quick to think in phrases and thus maintain a conversation, but practice makes perfect! Outside of class I don't use English much, I imagine that when I start working as a journalist it wi

Reaching fourth grade is exhausting

  Hello, since I entered university I heard older students complaining about the curriculum, saying it was poorly organized and most of them were very tired. I did not understand it until I reached the fourth year, now I understand that the study plan includes three major projects this year, which is almost unfeasible. So the first thing I would change is the order of the curriculum, leaving investigative journalism, seminar and digital journalism project workshop in different years. In addition, it would reduce the basic training courses that escape more than the specialty of the career, giving more space to courses on photography, radio, television, writing and would add a more specific course on managing social networks. Another modification that would be important to make is to manage a schedule of evaluations by generation, since teachers often schedule important evaluations for the same weeks and that makes it difficult to develop them with all the time they require. On the ot

For a world without Piñera

  It is difficult for me to imagine a very distant future, everything terrible that is happening with the environment makes me think that the world could end at any moment. That's why, in part, I don't want to have children who go through all these environmental changes and the terrible society in which we live. Not everything is bad, but it is quite dangerous, especially if you are a woman, poor and / or of sexual diversity. But, if I could travel to the future, I would like to see a more advanced society, where we already have a new constitution but one that truly ensures fundamental human rights. I would like to reach a respectful society with their peers, with animals, with the environment. That there was a new culture based on respect, community, solidarity. A place where it would be safe to live for anyone, a country with justice and dignity. I wish there were not so many years ahead, to see all the criminals who have violated human rights imprisoned. Also, to all those

I dream of traveling as a journalist

  Hello, I am studying journalism and despite the fact that I have become disenchanted with virtual classes as a result of the pandemic, because I do not like working from a locked house, I think I still like the profession. I chose to study journalism because I received two books by Arelis Uribe, a young journalist whom I greatly admired. However, beyond writing books, I realized that I like being on the street, reporting the everyday situations that make me curious and also investigating powerful people who enrich themselves at the expense of the people. On the other hand, I would also love to travel as a journalist. I have an uncle who is a correspondent for the Swedish national radio here in Latin America, he can travel to all countries, and they finance him to send notes. I think that is the dream of any journalist! At least it did become my dream when I went to visit Colombia, I would like to learn other languages ​​to be able to function anywhere in the world.

Free times with Game Of Thrones

  As I said in the previous post, I don't really like watching TV. However, there is a TV series that I saw a short time ago that I loved! I am not going to lie to you, I did not see it on television because when I was interested in seeing it they had already finished broadcasting it, but I searched all the internet pages until I found it ... the series I am talking about is Game of Thrones. This drama series is about a fictional world, inspired by medieval times, where there are different families that fight for the Iron Throne and rule the seven kingdoms that make up the territory. The characters are MANY, it would be difficult to name them all, but the main ones I would say are the Stark family (Jon, Arya, Sansa, Bran, Rob) and the Lannister family (Cercei, Jaime and Tyrion), in addition to Daenerys Targaryen. My favorite episode is when Daenerys enters a fire next to the dragon eggs that had been given to her, and some little dragons are born. I love it because they are beauti

The award for the best actress goes to... Tatiana Maslany!

  Hello, I hope you are well. It was hard for me to think about a famous person that I wanted to meet, I'm not a big fan of anyone, but it occurred to me that I really like Tatiana Maslany's work. She is a 35-year-old Canadian actress, very beautiful and winner of many awards for different performances, but there is one work in particular that made her win SIX AWARDS! It's her wonderful performance in Orphan Black, a Canadian science fiction series in which she plays more than a dozen characters. It's incredible, it's about clones, one of her characters sees another girl identical to her in a train station and then that person commits suicide... Upon witnessing this situation and seeing that she left her wallet, she decides to check it, they were indeed identical and as she had a miserable life, she decides to steal her identity, that's where the plot begins. The girl was a policewoman, and she replaced her in all areas of her life, so she realized that there w

Great loves in a song

  Hello, the first song I thought of is The Communist International hahaha it makes me laugh because they might think I am a communist and I clarify that I am not, but it is a song that I listened to a lot in my childhood with my father. The immediate memory it brings me is being about 5 or 6 years old and sitting on my dad's shoulders walking on September 11th through the General Cemetery, singing the hymn and listening to the stories about the graves we were passing through: my executed political grandfather, Victor Jara, Salvador Allende, Gladys Marín, among others. It makes me nostalgic, but it is a scene that I could repeat every year with my father, only he can no longer put me on his shoulders hahahaha Another song that brings back moving memories is Demasiao by Drefquila, it could be any of his, but this one in particular always makes me cry. It transports me to more than two years ago when I met my girlfriend, she sang all the artist's songs to me as if she were at a